čtvrtek 5. ledna 2017

New Year resolutions? May the force be with me

So it’s official. 2017!!!Am I the only one who always get this strange and exciting feeling like something is going to change? Usually I get this feeling right before I’m going out on New Years Eve which, if you ask me, it’s just huge excuse to get smashed. But to be fair, people getting smashed because it’s Friday and THIS WEEK was the longest of their life or sometimes because today is a pay day and there is nothing I would rather do then spend all of my money again and be broke for rest of the month. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging. I’m doing exactly the same. So when I’m saying New Years Eve is huge excuse I mean it’s very good excuse. This year though I was a good girl. No crazy partying, no sleeping Klara in pub, no lost phones and shoes. We’ve got home at 1am which I personally think is impressive. Anyway, I was talking about something else, right? About this feeling like with New Year, everything is going to change. And every year I’m even having this pep talk with myself which is quite strange. It goes something like this :,, Klara, this is the year! This is the year that everything is going to change and you are going to do all the stuff that you want to do but haven’t done yet. You will be with person you love. You will find long lost friend. You will be successful in everything you’re going to do. You will dance like you used to. You will loose all the extra weight you have. You will start saving money. You will get up every morning before 11 like everyone else. You will not spend 70% of your free time watching Netflix. You will learn another language. You will keep your room tidy up every single day. You will call your parents every week. You will be more patient with people. You will be more patient with yourself….”

I could keep going but I think you get the point. Basically every year I believe that my life is going to be different and better. I had this talk with myself just week ago. And guess what, I woke up 1th of January and nothing was different. Because I kind of expected that I will wake up and feel like – holy shit, everything is different! My hair are longer, my bank account wider, my lovelife simple, my dream magically came true during night, I’m actually married, succesful dancer working in London’s theatres and it just happened. Many of you just think how silly and naive this is but I’m pretty sure that most of you actually felt the same way in your life, at least once. Many of you also think-why she put her hair and bank account before everything else? I didn’t think that trough really and I’m not going to be coward to change it just because everyone else would. (All I really want is to be loved, okay? Leave me alone). Anyway, nothing like that happened. I’m still the same Klara. But okay, let’s get serious here. I think the only thing what we can change is our attitude. Change your attitude and things gonna be different. So I have only one New Year resolution which is to be the best version of myself. And to do that I need to work on my attitude because every single change start with ourselves.


2 komentáře:

  1. Really lovely and true, actually. I have been doing this for so long. But this year I stopped pushing myself so hard. Yes, i still have this dreams and stuffs to do. But finally I stopped with thinking, that if it won't happen, I should be sad about it. I start to think, that if it will not happen, it is the right thing, because of the Universe and faith and stuff :) hope it makes sense :) love your story and writing :)

  2. Hey Samantha :)
    Don't push yourself to hard, there is no point in that. Just be happy, work on everything you want and like you said, don't be sad if something won't happen the way you wanted. That's just life and we have to live it and more importantly- enjoy it!!!:-)
    Thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving your lovely comment. I'm glad you like it :)
